Leadership program held in London, 2023
Leadership program hosted by Kreston Global was held in London from April 2023 to December 2023, and Ryoji Kuroiwa who is partner from ARK LLC which is membership of Kreston Global participated in the program. The leadership program was the first time attempt for Kreston Global, and was designed to improve the leadership skills of new partners and directors, foster human resources who will lead Kreston Global in the future, and promote active interaction among member firms.

The nine-month leadership program was held in a conference room at The Clermont Hotel in London with Joanna Keeling as the instructor. The program consists of various programs such as two in-person workshops in May and November, a web-based workshop in October, coaching among participating members. The workshop in London was very enthusiastic, with Joanna Keeling asking all participants questions about what leadership means to them, and everyone contributing their own opinions. Although the business environment and communication methods differed from country to country, I felt a sense of closeness with the participants as they discussed their concerns with workplace relationships, which were similar to those of others regardless of country.

The following picture is scene on workshop in The Clermont Hotel. There were just a blank sheet of paper and a pen on the desk, however, each participant actively participated in the discussions. The discussions were based on the personal experiences of the participants, which was a valuable time that could not be learned from the written word. Participants clarified their organizational and individual goals through discussions in May workshop, which became more meaningful when they all reported back to each other in November.

This is a view of the dinner at The Clermont Hotel after the workshop. After the workshop, the participating members enjoyed a meal together. Most of the participating members had never met each other before and enjoyed discussing each other’s country’s food, lifestyle, culture, and business environment.