Attended Kreston’s 2018 Asia Pacific Conference
From July 5 to 8, 2018, the Asia Pacific Conference 2018 of Kreston International, of which we are a member, was held in Manila, Philippines. Two of our partners in charge, Goto and Hashimoto, participated.
Kreston International’s Asia Pacific Conference is held annually in a city in the Asia Pacific region to bring together members from various countries in the Asia Pacific region and to deepen mutual cooperation among them.
Kreston International in Asia Pacific
Kreston International has been focusing on the significant growth of the Asia Pacific Area market as a matter of interest on a global level. The director of International gave a presentation on how Kreston International’s available services ought to be and the future of these services. We were able to see at firsthand Kreston international is growing on a worldwide level, including in Asia Pacific.
Audit Quality Control update as Kreston International
The provision of high quality audit services by audit firms is nowadays an issue of concern not only in Japan but also on a global level. In this section, the director of International updated the audit quality control policy that should be maintained as a member of our network firms. An outside lecturer was invited to speak during the program and participants actively asked questions.
Social gathering
Social gathering is the climax of the conference.
Kreston International is one of the world’s leading network firms with accounting firms located in various countries and regions around the world.
It was a very meaningful time for us, as we were able to build a relationship of trust through fruitful communication in order for the network to grow as a whole through mutual cooperation, including cooperation in auditing our overseas clients and audit support by us when clients of our overseas network firms enter the Japanese market.