Kreston Asia-Pacific Conference held in 2024
Asia Pacific Conference of Kreston Global, an international accounting network of which ARK LLC is a member, was held in Hanoi, Vietnam from July 4 to 6, 2024.
The conference started with opening remarks by Rich Howard who is Kreston Global Chairman and then, Liza Robbins, Kreston Global CEO, stated CEO report.

Several sessions were conducted at the conference, the themes are “how each Kreston firm can provide our clients with better services”, “updates on both ISQM1 and revised ISA600”, etc. We discussed how we should behave to these matters as each firm and Kreston Global.

Dung Nguyen Hoang, managing partner of Kreston Vietnam as the host firm, gave a presentation on Kreston Vietnam surrounded by its vibrant business environment with many young people in Vietnam, and we actively communicated those matters.

In the team building activities, the teams competed with each other to complete the missions and reach the goals as quickly as possible at Hanoi Old Quarter. The team bond among us became even stronger by the time we completed our missions and reached the goals through trial and error.

In between sessions, we exchanged information on accounting and auditing practices and initiatives in each country and deepened friendship with representatives from Kreston Global and other Kreston firms in Asia Pacific.